Biblical Counseling

Hopes Repose Biblical Counseling

When you are struggling, there’s no better place to go than to the One who created you. Biblical counseling offers help in identifying what is going on below the surface and how we can bring about lasting change through the wise and engaging lens of God’s Word.


Body & Spirit

Because we are embodied spirits, we ought to look at ourselves, our problems, and our solutions in a holistic way in order to make progressive improvements in our lives.

Real World

Biblical counseling is not about scripture bandages, lip service, or religiosity. In other words, it is not meant to be temporary, empty, or busy. In the Gospel of John, Jesus tells his disciples that he came to set them free and to give them a life of abundance. His grace is sufficient for us and our real world problems.


Carol - Biblical Counselor Hopes Repose

Hi, I’m Carol.

I’ve spent most of my life, through all of its ups and downs, discovering a God who is generous, merciful and near. My hope is that you have arrived here because you know this truth and are ready for change.

If this sounds like you, I’m happy to meet you and get to know you and your story.